Collage Art


It’s tough being a Black man in America. - Michael B. Jordan

The 2020 collage series was a meditation on Black American masculinity and Black male identity. The idea for the series came from reading the above quote in GQ magazine.

Divine within

This (ongoing) series of paint collage work is about the divine thread that connects the self to consciousness.

A Laying on of Hands, or Finding God in Myself, 2018

May God Protect Us All, 2018

Remembering Who the Fuck I Am, 2019

The Paradox of Patriarchy, or Seeing Myself through His Eyes, 2018

Learning to Take Up Space

This series centers Black women’s bodies either in the bodies or minds of others.

What I Said When They Asked If I Was a Queen, 2018

Dreaming in Black, 2018

Learning to Take Up Space, 2019

Departures: Leaving for Wakanda, 2018


chakras, Spring 2017

In an effort to make pieces that are accessible, inspiring, and affordable, I released the Chakra Collection at Artomatic 2017 in Crystal City, Virginia. It was well received, and I am excited to continue making monochromatic paintings that connect to our senses. Each painting is acrylic and epoxy resin on 20-inches round, stretched canvas. They were painted simultaneously on a large table in a maximum of three steps per painting.

1st Chakra, Muladhara - Red - Root

2nd Chakra, SVADHISTHANA - Orange - Sacral

3rd Chakra, Manipura - Yellow - Solar Plexus

4th Chakra, Anahata - Green - Heart

5th Chakra, Vishudha - Blue - Throat

6th Chakra, Ajna - Indigo - Third Eye


7th Chakra, Sahasrara - Purple - Crown