Seeking Inspiration Everywhere!
Hey, y'all! I know it's been a long time, and I have written a lot of posts that never made it here. That happens a lot. I get bogged down in "is this too personal to share," "you aren't an advice column," and "mind your own business," a lot. My last two planned entries were a) an Easter recipe that I never photographed and b) a Mother's Day entry about depression and mental illness. I still will post the latter. I just haven't felt like focusing on it. Too personal and not an advice column. But the gist is: get help, get out in the world, don't be ashamed to be unhappy around your friends because they need you to get better just as much as you need you to get better, become an expert on depression before you need to be, don't let it kill you or it will kill you. Well! Now that that miserable shit is sort of out there - I HAVE BEEN SO INSPIRED LATELY. What I wanted to share with you today are a few websites I go to when I need a creative kick in the pants.
Niice - Inspiration search engine. WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE? #love
Design Seeds - Free color palettes. Ok, I'm obsessed with many things, and among them are fonts and Pantones. It is because I had two graphic artist parents. I know it is weird, but typography and color scheming just make my gravy, as they say. (Just go with it.) But you WANT Design Seeds. You NEED Design Seeds. Just go over there. Their Fresh Hues blog is kind of cheating - its posts are from their Instagram. But still cool, because the blog format allows you to sort by color family. All in all, YES.
Creative Bloq - So... just go there and look around. It is like INC magazine for creatives. I don't know why I said that, but it is a great simile. I can lose an hour on there just meandering around from article to article, which is a dangerous waste of time, but that's a compliment because that's how a site wins the Internet.
Unmistakable Creative - Podcast. Unmistakable Creative features interviews with creative entrepreneurs. It is super niche. I like super niche. Also, when I grow up I want to be a creative entrepreneur, so this is pretty sweet. You should listen. Tell them Lory's friend Aileen sent you.
Since this post deleted itself in the move from one server to another, I have decided to take the opportunity to share with you a wonderful site that I use all the time and is full of inspirational shiz and ways to use it. Canva. Please tell me you use Canva. Canva is basically all the layout functions that most people use regularly in PhotoShop/Instagram, etc., in a user friendly, web platform. The great thing is that they have stock art built in, so you can purchase directly from independent creators right there, as you design, and not have to hunt around online for the perfect image. (I am mainly interested because I have a stack of Guy Kawasaki books on my desk at this very moment, but you probably want to go over there, but the site is great.) It is free to use. Pretty darn awesome.
What has inspired you today? At the moment, I'm working on a collage involving my great great grandmother, Lottie Jackson Taylor Miller Smith. (Did she have enough generic last names for you?) If you have been following me for a while, you have seen her numerous times. But here she is again, this time covered in painters tape and acrylic matte medium.
be inspired.